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Winter Waste – Garbage Tips

What to do when the waste in the garbage can freezes?

Winter GarbageIn winter, frozen waste makes the work of waste collection far more difficult. This is because when temperatures drop below freezing, the residual waste bin can turn into an icebox and the moist waste in the organic waste bin can turn into “frozen food”.

Although the waste disposal workers do their best even in the cold season, the waste collection service has no chance of emptying the garbage can completely if the contents are frozen. In addition, the garbage cans cannot withstand the strain of repeated tipping and shaking in the long term. Cracks can occur, especially in cold temperatures.

Reaching into the garbage can or detaching the waste from the bin wall is not recommended for reasons of occupational safety and the amount of work involved.

To ensure that the bins can continue to be emptied completely, a few simple tips will help:
  • Moist organic waste should always be wrapped in paper or collected in paper bags first. This absorbs the moisture that leads to freezing and reduces the risk of frost.
  • Under no circumstances should plastic bags be placed in the organic waste garbage can. This also includes “compostable” plastic bags.
  • It also helps if the garbage can is not put out for emptying until the morning of the collection day. The bottom of the bin should be lined with some newspaper, a piece of cardboard or small twigs before it is filled. It is very important to place waste loosely in the bin.
  • Under no circumstances should waste be pressed or tamped into the garbage can, as the waste then freezes very easily and very firmly.
  • To ensure that the bins are emptied completely when it freezes, it is advisable to carefully loosen the frozen waste in the bin with a stick or spade shortly before placing it on the sidewalk.

The city’s waste management department would also like to point out that bags of waste and bulky cardboard boxes placed next to the bins make it more difficult for refuse collectors to work and increase the effort required to remove them. According to the municipal waste statutes, the municipal waste disposal company is entitled to leave any excess waste placed next to it. This can be remedied by ordering an additional waste container.