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VETERAMA – Mannheim – Maimarkt

. October 2025,
Xaver-Fuhr-Straße 101, 68163 Mannheim

  • Veterama-6Europe‘s largest market for vintage cars and motorcycles
  • October , 2025 in Mannheim, Maimarkt area
  • More than 4.000 exhibitors and dealers / approx. 45.000 visitors
  • Gigantic market for parts and whole vehicles on 260.000 sqm in the open and 15.000 sqm hall area
  • International exchange
  • Market place: the sales forum with several hundred complete vehicles
  • NEW: The Market Hall (Hall 2): Covered spaces!
  • Premium ticket (3-day-ticket) allows entry already on Friday, October 12
  • Online ticket sale has started (discounted tickets)


VETERAMA – the market for the „rustiest hobby in the world“

It has been a great summer with many events relating to historic vehicles. At these high temperatures, many an old-timer tested the limits of its still available capacity. Now the time will come for these vehicles to rest for the winter months. But this is also the time to fix calmly all those smaller and larger damages which might have occurred during the summer tours. And it may be the time to search again for a further object of desire!


It‘s time for the VETERAMA!

VETERAMA Mannheim is the traditional highlight of the mechanics’ season and this year will be opening its doors with 260,000 square metres of open grounds and 15,000 square metres of hall area on the Mannheim May Market, Europe’s largest antique car marketplace for motoring fans will be inviting about 4000 exhibitors and over 45,000 aficionados to take a hunt around – above all for the rare or curious appealing to those with petrol in their blood.

Here you‘ll find the necessary parts urgently needed to preserve this „technological cultural asset“ – and here you may also find that particular vehicle for which you already reserved space in your private garage.

„As early as June all spaces for dealers were completely booked, and more than 100 dealers are already on the waiting list, in case one of the booked spaces will be returned“ says Julia Seidel of Veterama GmbH who is responsible for the allocation of spaces.

Time and again it is fascinating to see, what is being brought into the city where exactly 133 years ago the auto-mobile was invented. But fascinating are not only the parts and vehicles which are offered at more than 3.000 sales booths, equally fascinating is the international mix of people who come to this event.

Across all language barriers between people from Latvia, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Italy, France, Germany, Finland, Poland or Sweden there is a haggling and bargaining until the price is right for both sides… and with a happy „okay“ or „is good“ that desired part or even a whole vehicle changes its owner. This is often accompanied by a smart advice what to pay attention to when installing the new part, because most often the dealers are also „collectors“ and „screw-driver enthusiasts“.

Here the „rustiest hobby of the world“ has found its regular place „… and this is what creates the unique atmosphere of VETERAMA“, says Winfried Seidel, the founder of VETERAMA, who himself is always searching for another rare piece.

Besides all this hectic searching, haggling, and bargaining VETERAMA also offers enough space to relax. Several hundred youngtimers and oldtimers are shown and offered for sale at the VETERAMA market place.

Additional information can be found at

VETERAMA Mannheim – where the scene meets.

The regular opening times are Friday 12:00–20:00 (premium ticket only), Saturday 8:30–18:00, and Sunday 8:30–16:00. Advance ticket sales are also provided on the website.

As you can see, there are a whole load of reasons for visiting Europe’s largest vintage vehicle market this year. So, book your online ticket right now and avoid the long queues.