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Make your big day last forever

Bride and groom at weddingVeit 2Veit 3

Veit Film Wedding Video Services

With a film about your wedding the best day of your life and its most beautiful moments is recorded in image and sound.

You should leave nothing to chance. Before someone from the family or friends are asked you leave this task to me. Finally, all guests should have from this particular day something.

And from now on you can get your recordings in 4K – for even better and sharper movies!

Starting at 599,– € (670,– $) you get a perfect, recorded movie, for example, of your church wedding, which will be filmed at least with three cameras from different perspectives.

Any further recordings are calculated separately – depending on complexity. For me there is no so-called package prices (Standard, Premium, Exclusive) – you can get an individual offer, after all, even your wedding is as individual as you are.

You can get the finished film on DVD, Blu-ray or USB-stick in an appealing case for wedding movies..

In a free and no-obligation consultation at your home or in my office in Pirmasens, I make you an offer and give you further suggestions on what you can do on film around your wedding. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


Tel: 06336-8390028

Fax: 06336-8390029

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