Floating in K’town
Just float weightless relaxation – In the USA and Australia Floating is already popular and meanwhile also on the increase in Europe as a highlight in wellness areas. Clinics and practices now even offer floating for supplementary treatment of acute and chronic diseases and for rehabilitation with great success.
What is »Floating«?
Floating is a relaxation technique to bring the body into weightless floating, with the help of warm, concentrated salt water in a special tank.
A floating tank is somewhat similar to a large tub with lockable lid, or rather a giant egg. It is filled with about 40 cm deep salt water. Due to the high salt concentration of the water relaxes you, floating on the water surface, if desired, cut off from outside stimuli.
The maximum relaxation is normally achieved by total sensory deprivation, so feel and hear nothing, see or smell. For all those connected, however, for this complete sensory deprivation, at least initially, with an uneasy feeling, it is possible to adapt your environment in accordance with your wishes.
What effect does float?
Besides the main purpose relaxation all the way to deep relaxation, many other effects in connection with floating where observed:
- Soothing neurodermatitis and Psoriasis
- Soothing muscle tension, backache and rheumatism
- Soothing in case of migraine
- Regulation of blood pressure problems
- Increase of immune system and acceleration of self-recovery processes
- Improvement in case of insomnia
- Reduction of stress symptoms all the way up to stress resistance
- Increase of wellness through body production of endorphin
- Easier overcome of nicotine addiction and alcoholism as well as weight problems.
- Reduced experience of pain
Opening hours
Daily between: 10:00 – 22:00 hours. Acceptance deadline: 20:00 clock
Visiting hours by appointment only. In order not to disturb the tranquility of our guests, we can not guarantee spontaneous visits.
Just Float
Owner Thorsten Puchala
Kanalstraße 24, 67655 Kaiserslautern
Phone: 0631 – 373 42 112
E-Mail: info@justfloat.de
Internet: www.justfloat.de/en
You can find us
at Kanalstraße 24 (ground floor there is an exhibition of kitchen furniture store Karch).
We are centrally located between the Gaustraße police station and AOK. At the pedestrian street, on both sides of the street are plenty possibilities of parking. In addition, the parking garage located on the Stiftsplatz, and the Altstadt-Parkhaus – garage are nearby.