Internationale Briefmarken-Börse
24. – 26. October 2024
Ulm Messe
The top paradise for all stamp fans
They are beautiful and often rare, they come in different colors, shapes and sizes, almost every one has perforated edges and tells a story for itself … At the International Stamp Exchange in Ulm the view sweeps over a sea of stamps, letters, postcards and postal stationery!
At the International Stamp Fair in Ulm, Germany’s top event for the sector, enthusiastic collectors and newcomers will find everything they need for their hobby – from rare stamps to the latest accessories, for budgets both large and small. Anyone needing advice or wanting to have their old album appraised can get both free of charge from the experts present at the trade show competence centers.
The Internationale Briefmarken-Börse
Large range of stamps, letters, postcards and postal stationery as far as the eye can see.
Dealers from Germany and abroad, postal administrations, specialist publishers and auction houses gather here in large numbers. In addition, visitors can once again expect exclusive special postmarks that are only available at the International Stamp Fair in Ulm.
Of course, you can also expect a top-class philatelic supporting program at this year’s International Stamp Fair Ulm. Parallel to the exhibition competition, a top-level lecture event has been established at “Postgeschichte live”. Here, the interested public is entertained with high-class presentations that leave nothing to be desired in terms of quality and breadth of topics.
Postal History Live
Collectors from all over the world will once again be competing for the “Golden Posthorn” at the International Stamp Fair in Ulm, Germany, and will be presenting their exciting postal history exhibits to the jury at the international “Postal History Live” competition.
Euro#Phila Days
There is also plenty on offer for young people at the International Stamp Fair.
The Youth Days always guarantee lots of fun, games, excitement and knowledge – with a new theme every year. The European Football Championship, European elections, decisions by and for Europe – the topic of “Europe” will be omnipresent in 2024. So it’s no wonder that the Landesring Süd-West of the DPhJ e. V. in cooperation with the Landesring Bayern. e. V. has chosen this theme for the youth stand. V. is taking up this topic for the youth stand: with the “Euro#Phila-Days”.
Attractive special editions
Especially for the International Stamp Exchange, the Deutsche Post will once again be offering attractive special editions at the fair.
Ulm-Messe • Böfinger Str. 50 • 89073 Ulm • Deutschland
Open: Thursday & Friday 10:00 – 18:00 · Saturday 10:00 – 16:00