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Veterinary Practice

Dr. Konrad Blendinger & Dr. Christine Blendinger

Professional veterinary practice for small animals

65719 Hofheim-Wallau, Robert-Bosch-Str. 12

Our team welcomes you.

We are veterinary practice for small animals with a family atmosphere and very modern equipment in an easily accessible location

(Parking is available in front of the practice and in the yard)
Spacious ambience, where the careful handling of the patient is of utmost important.

Specialised services include:

1. From diagnosis to therapy …

Laboratory service:

  • Immediate laboratory for emergencies
  • Progesterone determination on the day of blood collection ( Mon.-Sun. )
  • ( Mon.-Sat. ) Courier service to one of the largest veterinary laboratories
  • Microscopic examination of vaginal cytology, parasites and fungus proof ( also fungal skin diagnosis ) as well as orienting tumor diagnosis (fine needle aspiration)

Technology for the benefit of patients:

  • X ( official HD and ED investigation authority )
  • ECG ( 10 leads)
  • Ultrasound and Endoscopy
  • Anesthetic : injection, intubation and inhalation anesthesia
  • Anesthesia monitoring: ECG monitor, pulse oximetry, Capnometrie

2. Specializing in all reproductive issues …

Dog breeding:

  • Deck timing determination
  • Artificial insemination ( endoscopy )
  • Pregnancy examination ( ultrasound )
  • Birth ( conservative – Caesarean section )
  • Newborn care


  • Semen evaluation in males
  • Prostate diseases

Canine Semenbank for male semen:

  • Collection and storage of valuable dog semen
  • Import/Export and shipping of semen to other countries
  • Transfer of frozen semen to the female dog
  • More information: {cms_selflink ext=”” title=”HSB Blendivet Canine Semen Bank” text=”HSB Blendivet Canine Semen Bank” target=”_blank”}

3. Service and more …

Puppy Party

  • Goal: To familiarize your puppy with the veterinary practice to make its subsequent visits as comfortable and nerve free as possible
  • Age of the puppies: 8 – 16 weeks

Physiotherapy and Aquatraining:

  • Underwater treadmill

Courses, seminars and lectures on request :

  • First aid course ( dogs )
  • Info evenings in practice
  • New breeders seminar
  • Lectures on animal health ( vaccinations, parasites, birth, etc.)
  • Lectures as part of veterinary congresses (on gynecological and andrological topics )

How to find us:

T I E R A R Z T P R A X I S · Dr. Konrad Blendinger & Dr. Christine Blendinger

Professional veterinary practice for small animals

65719 Hofheim-Wallau, Robert-Bosch-Str. 12, Tel. 06122 – 535 868 0 · Fax. 06122 – 535 868 45


Internet Veterinary Practice:

HSB Blendivet Canine Semen Bank:

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