ABC Autoglas Kaiserslautern
Your full-service auto glass shop, independently owned and operated since 1986.
Specialists in windshield repair and replacement, window tinting, and sunroof installation.
Trust the professionals
All auto glass fitters at ABC Autoglas are qualified auto glass professionals certified by the TÜV (German Technical Inspection Association)
What makes ABC Autoglas Kaiserslautern stand out from the competition?
Dependability, fairness, top-quality work at fair prices, service
Windshield Repair
Windshield repair is safe, effective, convenient and takes less than 30 minutes. ABC Autoglas Kaiserslautern can repair chips, nicks and cracks up to 1cm (1/2 in) long. This prevents further damage and restores the structural integrity of your windshield, without having to remove and replace the glass.
Windshield Tinting
Emissions from the sun include heat, visible light, and ultraviolet radiation. Strong direct sunlight is bad for the skin, causes overheating in the vehicle, fading of upholstery and plastic parts. ABC Autoglas is an authorized fitter of BRUXSAFOL automotive window films. Choice of 9 tints including UV sun blocker, alu light, ray green.
Special offers
We buy our windshields and tinted glass in bulk from PPG Pittsburgh, specialists in automotive glass and thus can offer very attractive rates, especially when there is no insurance claim.
American car windscreens – even older models
Help with insurance claims – claim or not to claim, depending on the insurance policy.
Special Offers on older models!
For American customers – even without comprehensive insurance.
BMW 3 – 91 – 96 €250.-
BMW 5 – 89 – 96 €270.-
VW Golf – 2003 – €250.-
A VAT form is necessary.
Ask for Tinting.
ABC AUTOGLAS deal directly with your insurance company, ensuring a no-hassle service.
ABC Autoglas
Liebigstr. 1 · 67661 Kaiserslautern-Einsiedlerhof
Open: Monday – Friday: 08:00 to 17:00, Saturdays by appointment.
(located in Einsiedlerhof, at the bridge leading to Pizza Hut)
Tel.: 0631 – 5 60 96
Email: info@abc-kl.de
Internet: www.autoglas-kaiserslautern.de